Friday, January 7, 2011

Home Care

I  don't think it gets any better then the home care i get with Alexa! It is so fun to have home visits with the midwife. The first time she came i was kinda stressed. I didn't know what to expect, how she was going to be, where i should sit, anything. I was nervous :) anxious and nervous in a great way. She came in and was amazing. She was so sweet to the kids, and talked to me for 2 hours. She made both Mr.Wylie and I feel so comfortable in our own home!

Today she came for her second visit. I was so much less stressed this time. Everything was very easy going. The kids were bouncing off the walls waiting for her to come. She was running late today( and because German numbers look different then American numbers she had a 7 instead of a 1 in my phone number and couldn't get ahold of me ), but that's was okay. Why was it okay? Well what is so wonderful about home visits is that the kids weren't stuck in a waiting room. They were able to go play with their toys, watch a movie, have a snack. So that kept the stress level way down. crazy chick even was able to take his whole nap on the couch while we waited :)

Doesn't this look way more comfy then a waiting room. Sitting on our comfy couch, wrapped in our fave Ikea blanket :) Mommy even got to watch her cooking shows! what a great afternoon just waiting around for the midwife! <3

When Alexa got here the fun really began. The kids were so excited and they were all talking to her at one time :) so we gave them popsicles to keep their mouths busy so mommy could talk for a few minutes :)
Silly chick did their makeup lol. Alexa told me she thought Silly chick had the same thing as her sister that makes her eyes dark :) i told her it was just eye shadow ;)
Crazy chick was not amused with ANYTHING going on this afternoon. Not even his popsicle. He ate it, but he wasn't happy.
We quickly got into the "fun stuff" of the visit so that the kids could go play. This was really exciting for everyone! First she felt baby, i love how when she feels the baby she talks to baby. Here is a video of her feeling the baby <3

     the next thing she did was listen to the heartbeat. Crazy chick does NOT like ANYONE to touch my belly. He gets very upset over this. Hes such a nut! So here it is :) a video of baby Cincos heartbeat! I don't have ultrasound pictures to share ( but that's because we aren't having any more, i had 1 in the very begining of this pregnancy ) but i though this was even better!!
the next thing she did was measure my belly and fundus, this was so funny, I don't know if you can hear it but when asked how big i am Silly chick just says " wow"  it was so funny ( though Crazy chick did NOT think so! ) when she was first measuring me Crazy chick is saying " don't" to her! That's his new thing he says!!
She told me that my fundus is measuring between 24-26weeks ( will be 24 weeks on Sunday ) and that she thought my placenta was all in the front ( something i have thought from the very beginning ). She said the baby feels strong to her. Cinco is still laying transverse ( so that means baby is sideways ) but she said its not a big deal.

 This was so fun. There is just nothing like this kind of care.  When its more then just about me. Its the whole family gets treated. We all get some special attention. We have been trying to think of special things for the kids to do when the baby is born. I think we are going to let Silly chick make the big announcement( boy or girl ) and let Brother chick cut the cord. Alexa said that Mama chick can help with the weighing and measuring! That is going to be so fabulous! I love that all this is going on in my own home. I love that the kids are going to be apart of everything going on. Every part of this new baby is something that we are all apart of! I can not wait for our next visit!


  1. Interesting... we don't measure around tummys, just the fundal height - ie from the top of the bump down to the symphysis (pelvic bone), but you don't tend to get an accurate measurement if the baby isn't lying "up and down", like yours, because you are supposed to follow the curve of the baby.

    FYI, if your placenta is to the front, you are a little bit more likely to have a back labour, as the baby tends to curve around the contours of the placenta, and ends up with his (or her back) pressed up against yours.

    We usually only do two scans here - one at the start of the pregnancy to get accurate dates, and one around 20 weeks to check for anomalies... research shows that there is no added benefit to repeated scans. Although I do those initial dating scans, and there is something very special about seeing your baby for the first time I think! I'm definitely with you, don't think I would want lots and lots of scans...

    Check out a news story about our little midwifery led unit... scroll down this week's news item, we're right at the bottom!

  2. Oh thanks Rebecca! i am hoping that if i do have back labor that by being in the pool that should help with that.

    When i had Lydia, Noah, Sophia, and Isaiah, i had 2 scans, one in the begining and one at 20 weeks. Its amazing to me how many scans some people are having now! I dont feel worried about not seeing the baby or anything. Its hard to not know the gender, but i dont want to know and i always see it on the screen before the tech does :) so i dont want to take teh chance of spoiling the surprise!

  3. i love the videos and thought it was soo cute how crazy chic was concerned about Alexa touching you, he loves his mommy=)

  4. "Hands and Knees" position is the BEST for helping with baby's position during back labor!! Basically, being on all fours or leaning over the edge of the tub or over a birth ball and doing pelvic rocks. Also, the relief from the water tub will be amazing too. Yay!
